Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"Setting Sun ... Rising Moon"!!

That's exactly what Brett said as he was quoted by the race journalist.  And so true to personality, too.  Many other quotes had short stories to tell.  Brett: "Setting sun and rising moon".

After no communications yesterday, their longest run day (79km) yet, I didn't like not knowing.  It took all I had to preoccupy myself with work, kids, appointments, etc.  If he could just get through this day I know he will be fine, is a line I kept saying over and over again.  I successfully convinced myself he would.  Finally, today at 4:30pm I saw the race results.

Apparently, on Monday night, the camp was very quiet in anticipation for Tuesday's long stretch.  I bet many didn't sleep well at all.

Brett remains in 18th place while taking 14h48 to complete the days run through heavy wind that was not friendly, scorching heat and thick sand banks.  Running through the morning, afternoon and then dark and unfamiliar night took these athletes to different levels of mental states.  Two athletes ran a little too close to a cobra who waited in the sand.  That would have had me running on air!!! The various colors of sand must have made for a sight to remember, although, I still wouldn't choose to be there.  They had a full moon to guide them into camp at the end of their run yesterday.  A simple reminder of the amazing planet on which we live.  A natural beauty to shine upon a group so dedicated.

Packing on an additional 79km to the already completed 128km, I couldn't even begin to imagine what Brett's legs must feel like, if he can feel them at all.  

I look forward to the next race report.  I get very little info, if any at all.  I blog when I can :)

Thanks for following.

Love and Peace,

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